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Lemon Water Wellness Clinic & General Store

10-day Foundational Reset by Dr. Jodi Larry ND

10-day Foundational Reset by Dr. Jodi Larry ND

Regular price $375.00 CAD
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Foundational Reset is a 10-day program created to RESET and then transform your health and well-being for the long term.  Dr. Jodi Larry ND has been leading this program for over 15 years, and the results are always so impactful! There is no crazy magic pill here; when you focus on eating well, moving your body, being aware of your inner world, and done in community = you thrive! When one of these pieces is missing - you are in an imbalance - and your body symptoms will show you there is something off.

The 10-day reset program dates are: Monday, November 4th - Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

The 10 day Reset includes: 


  •  Three educational sessions led by Dr. Jodi Larry, ND (LIVE on Zoom). We urge you to attend live; recordings will be available if this is not possible.  Wednesdays October 30th, November 6th and November 13th, 2024 at 12 pm EST 

  • Session 1 - The How, and the Why.  You will leave this session with a full understanding into the science behind WHY we embark on this important journey.  We will also do a full prep, so you will be armed and ready to go!  This session happens before the RESET start day, so you still have plenty of time to prep!
  • Session 2 - Day 3 check in! This will be an opportunity to check in, ask questions LIVE in real time, and get remotivated to complete this journey!  We will also start to explore concepts of self compassion, and relaxation as they relate to habit change
  • Session 3 - Final day of the reset! We will discuss next steps and moving forward  


  •  A complete workbook with everything you need to know to navigate this experience

  •  A daily check-in email with nutritional help, cleanse tips, and motivational inspiration and support throughout

  •  Strong group accountability, community, and support

  • A whatsapp group with daily support to answer any questions!
  •  An abundance of healthy recipes, meal plans, grocery lists, snack ideas

  •  A comprehensive reset food plan and protocol

  •  An optional supplement plan to aid in the program

Feel free to reach out to us through email at or call us on (416) 304-9088, if you have any questions regarding the program. 

As always, please consult with your doctor before starting any new treatments

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