August 28, 2016

Dry Cupping and Contemporary Medical Acupuncture

By Bianca Anzovino, RMT
Dry Cupping and Contemporary Medical Acupuncture

Dry Cupping 

Dry Cup Approach - targets fascia and body fluids, affecting deeper tissue, removing fascially restricting bonds/adhesions residing in and around muscles, tendons, and joints allowing for an increased range of motion.

Cupping is recognized by the World Health Organization as effective treatment, however, with a modern understanding of microbiology and pathology, blood-letting techniques (wet cupping) have been mostly abandoned. When no bleeding is involved it is called dry cupping.

The effect we want cupping to have on the body is, mutual allowance between tissue layers, suction draws neovascularization (new blood) to the skin, creating a negative pressure below the skin which will cause neovascularization within the area below the skin. This process often leaves the client/patient with ecchymosis (blood between skin layers caused by ruptured blood vessels). Cupping literally increases extra-cellular fluid and ground substance between layers of fascia which will allow for better slide and glide of tissue layers over one another (mutual allowance).


Neurofunctional Approach - targets motor points, also synonimis with trigger point or neuro-functional point. These areas are where the muscle fibres become innervated (plugged in by the nerve). Basically, we know that humans are a unique system (organism), one in which contains many separate systems (organs), all functioning together to carry out one common task as a life force - to keep ourselves, and the planet we live on, alive and well. A neurofunctional approach to acupuncture simply acknowledges the importance of nervous system governence within the body and is used as a tool to modulate muscle tissue dysfunction.

Through this approach however, we must maintain our holistic understanding of the entire anatomical-functional unit - the human body. On a nutrient level, vitamins and minerals, are essential for nerve conduction, called neuro-transmittters. Understanding conduction constituent utilization, hertz capacity and current velocity through an ion channel is necessesary for effective treatment to maintain itself, in other words, this is a artificially induced metabolic process with nutritional demands.